Problematic Internet use amongst Adults

The study compared adult usage patterns of online activities, the frequency rate of problematic internet use (PIU), and risk factors (including the psychopathology associated with PIU, i.e., distress and impulsivity) among adults in 15 countries from Europe, America, and Asia. Methods: A total of 5130 adults from Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, UK, Norway, Peru, Canada, US, and Indonesia completed an online survey assessing PIU and a number of psychological variables (i.e., depression, anxiety, stress, and impulsivity). The sample included more females, with a mean age of 24.71 years (SD = 8.70). Results: PIU was slightly lower in European countries (rates ranged from 1.1% in Finland to 10.1% in the UK, compared to 2.9% in Canada and 10.4% in the US). There were differences in specific PIU rates (e.g., problematic gaming ranged from 0.4% in Poland to 4.7% in Indonesia). Regression analyses showed that PIU was predicted by problematic social networking and gaming, lack of perseverance, positive urgency, and depression. Conclusions: The differences in PIU between countries were significant for those between continental regions (Europe versus non-European countries). One of the most interesting findings is that the specific PIU risks were generally low compared to contemporary literature. However, higher levels of PIU were present in countries outside of Europe, although intra-European differences existed.

Online gaming and social networking may be associated with depression and impulsivity, according to a study of more than 50,000 adults from 15 countries.

A group led by Olatz Lopez-Fernandez of the Institute of Psychology (2023) report that a total of 5130 adults from Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, UK, Norway, Peru, Canada, US, and Indonesia completed an online survey assessing PIU and a number of psychological variables. PIU was slightly lower in European countries. PIU was predicted by problematic social networking and gaming, lack of perseverance, positive urgency, and depression. Higher levels of PIU were present in countries outside of Europe, intra-European differences existed.

Feminism and Spiritual Citizenship

Gloria Anzaldua, one of the foremost theorists of feminist spiritual activism, has argued that we must tap into a deeper sense of who we are through the faculties of reflective consciousness, or conocimiento, in order to move beyond labels.

Many of our famous exemplars of spiritual activism, such as Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi, are men who fell short when it came to their gender politics. Countless gurus and spiritual leaders from across traditions – mostly male – have been caught abusing their power. The question that motivates this essay is “What does spiritual citizenship look like through a feminist lens?”. Feminists have long argued that even the most intimate aspects of our lives are not merely private, but have political dimensions.

Woman sitting with a bible in hand

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Arora, A., Arora, B. A., Horowitz, B. M., Kyle, B. J., Lemerise, B. T., Horowitz, M., Kyle, J., & Lemerise, T. (2023). Feminism and Spiritual Citizenship.

Study: Physical Activity Reduces Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents

Study: Physical Activity Reduces Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents

January 22, 2023

Physical activity can significantly reduce depressive symptoms in children and adolescents, according to a recent study published in JAMA Pediatrics

The meta-analysis of 21 studies involving 2,441 participants (47% boys and 53% girls) between the ages of 11-19 found that physical activity may help alleviate depressive symptoms in young patients. Twelve of the studies also demonstrated the benefits of physical activity for participants with a somatic or psychiatric disorder such as depression, obesity, ADHD, and diabetes.

The findings revealed that physically active teenagers experienced more notable reductions in depressive symptoms than did younger participants. “It is possible that younger children are sufficiently active to be desensitized to additional physical activity, whereas their older and more sedentary counterparts might be more responsive to the intervention,” researchers said.

After analyzing the frequency and duration of physical activity, researchers determined that engaging in three sessions of physical activity lasting at least 30 minutes yielded the greatest improvement in depressive symptoms.

“Depression is the second most prevalent mental disorder among children and adolescents, yet only a small proportion seeks or receives disorder-specific treatment,” researchers said. “Physical activity interventions hold promise as an alternative or adjunctive approach to clinical treatment for depression.” 

The benefits of Group Therapy

I am grateful that the UKCP shared a link on How can I benefit from group therapy? Where in his Psychologies Magazine LifeLabs blog, UKCP psychotherapist Brian Shand considers the difference between group and individual work with others.

Mindfulness and Education

Great work being done by Jon Kabat-Zinn and others bringing Mindfulness into Education. Mindfulness encourages and develops the emotional intelligence of children.

Introducing and teaching Mindfulness into schools helps senior management recognise that achievement targets are not as important as developing the child as a rounded individual. Teaching children mindfulness helps them to look after their emotions. Children are able to stop and notice what they experiencing and supports stillness and openness. Mindfulness becomes relevant when it is given context and expressed in our culture.

Highlights of our 2018 Conference: The Future of Mindfulness & Education | Mindfulness in Schools Project

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